It's not about the money
But something much bigger!
Jesse J had a hit track with “pricetag” which in many ways sums up the commercial world we all live in. Everything has a price tag, the written price and hidden one. The best deal if bought today, the mangers special etc
One line is very interesting in the song “the sale comes first and the truth comes second” how many of us get surrounded by the sales patter and the promises that perhaps, even with the consumer protection laws we now have, leave us unhappy or disappointed with the purchase we have made?
So the dawn of organisations such as Which and of course on television; Watchdog, Rip off Britain to name a couple that expose unfairness and poor practice and these tactics certainly do work most times. However there are some organisations that will continue to deliver bad customer service in how they operate, not illegal but a general apathy. They become so large that they do not value their most valued asset namely the people, both the internal and external customer.
I was, once again today, held in a queue to a certain “world” mobile phone provider being told how important my call was but they were very busy…. Finally getting through to be told “wrong department” which happened 3 times…. then as in the previous 2 calls to them suddenly “cut-off” what does that give you as a value? Its beyond the price tag and very little indeed, in fact I’m sure this approach is not just singled out to me either… “the sale comes first…” over my time with this organisation I’ve had more poor support than good – I guess senior management either allow it or too apathetic to stop it… a dangerous game to play no matter what size your organisation is or what service it provides. The King Canute management theory kicks in… and look what happened to him when the tide turned?
The mirror of this, before you think I have an issue with large organisations, is another major landline provider I also spoke to today, was simply fantastic. Made me feel valued, supported and saved me money, the unseen pricetag and wasn’t just a scripted conversation.
The art of sales and value of that sale and customer should never be compromised, no matter who you are or where you work from the receptionist to the CEO, work together, be strong and never forget we all have a choice, we have our personal values too – if you don’t like being treated like a number, a remote voice, a waste of time – then don’t do it to others. “Wanna make the world dance? Then forget about the price tag…” but never compromise on customer care.