
I have split the services I can provide into the three areas all of us will need during our lifetimes. Please feel free to reach out on social media if you wish to discuss the services I can offer. I can be found on Twitter and LinkedIn.



Consulting are those discussions and conversations that help you find out more enabling you to do your role and those around you more effectively.



Coaching / mentoring again to make us the best we can be, we all need external support. Coaching is such an effective way for this to happen. This area explores what this means.



Care or wellbeing - what we all need at various times in our lives, but so many ignore this need, explore this area and build your own support process.


Advice can of course become quite subjective depending on the situation the consultant is working with at the time. The aim of the professional consultant is to give an objective view and work with the individual, team or organisation to improve the situation or tackle a particular project / issue.


The power of professional coaching can be life changing; it allows that confidential support to take place and a “safe” area to explore not only work situations but everyday life ones as well, we are human 24/7 and there are many cross-overs in our approaches to tasks that coaching can support you on to make that difference not only to you but those around you.


We now live in a time where well-being is freely talked about and this is long overdue. We are not robots, even though we run sophisticated programmes all the time. We all need to find that time / space to look after ourselves. The solutions vary from person to person as we are individuals.