This page has been created to offer free resources which I have used over the years as a coach / mentor. I have given short explanations on each, but if you need further information then please let me know.
See below the conference presentation guide I came across, which may help in your planning. This shows without proper prior planning - you will end up with poor performance. Those that fail to plan - plan to fail.

This uses the principle when thinking about your coaching needs as a wheel with various segments, there is an example showing types of areas that are part of your everyday life and then you rate them 1-10, 10 being the highest and OK, be honest with how you complete this and like a wheel any part that is not a 10 will give you a bumpy ride.
This next resource looks at your skills and strengths. Please complete the two questions asked and think about the answers you share.
The NLP communication model can be a useful tool to help you see how we process conversations and events that happen in our worlds. This also shows the change curve which many would have seen before but again can be useful.
There is never enough time that many clients and colleagues have told me over the years, this resource is a list to check against to see if you are helping or hindering time.
The next two items are looking at your energy levels and putting things in place to help you deal with what I call those energy drainers that happen. Energy can ebb and flow during the day but a useful thing is to see where your own high's and lows occur, use this one to monitor them:
Then move onto Feeding the Flame, if there is a particular item that drains you, use this sheet to "put in" what you know gives you energy, either before the event in question or after. Its a simple weekly planner but seeing it written down will help you keep to it and will aid your energy:
This next one is again a chart to put you in the centre and to think about who are your supporters. We may have different supporters we would go to depending on the situation we are facing. It is worth spending a few moments to clarify who these are:
The next areas are looking at action plans for the near future and one for the longer term. Anything change you make of a significant amount must be given time to happen, if you want others on board with you and for it to work well.
Action planning longer term - to be used for up to a year planning:
If you were ever to have personal coaching some of the pre-questions I would ask my clients are listed on this next resource:
I hope you have found this resource page helpful, my intention is more will be added over time.